Artist Dean Mitchell will speak about his art and career as an American painter on May 3, 2013 at the Gem Theater. Event starts at 6pm
Address |
Phone | (816) 474-6262 |
After this event, it will be the Grand Opening of the Exhibition.
D A T E / T I M E
EthnicArt Gallery
1516 E 18th St
Kansas City, MO 64108
The body of working that will be on display at Ethnic Arts in Kansas
City is a mix of both urban and rural settings. The rural scenes deal
with isolation and poverty in the modern world. The paintings are of
people, places and spaces of the working class. They are the backbone
of our nation who’s voices and spaces are often rarely looked upon as
places of beauty and power. The romantic myth of the America Dream,
fragmented in despair, has become even more visible through the daily
lives of those seeking a better tomorrow.